Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hollywood LOL Part 13

 Kalel's POV

Then I heard a knock on the door. "Hi! I'm Madison and this is my sister Trisha, I was hopi..." she got cut off by her sister saying "Oh My GOSH!!!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Your SMOSH!" she screamed then ran through my door. "Uh, come in I guess.""Sorry, my sister's crazy about Smosh. Can I come in? You know, to get Trisha under control." she said awkwardly but politely. "Sure!" I tried my best to change to a much brighter tone. "Thanks." After I closed the door I saw Trisha standing on her head for them, while they were signing things for her, not to mention parts of her body. Then, when I spotted my savior in the situation, Jade. I gave her a pleading "HELP ME!!!" look and she took things under control. "Ok I think they've had enough. And when I say them, I mean ME." she said to Trisha with her hands on her hips. "What? Um, no. Its not all about YOU. This is about ME. I am meeting Smosh. So you can just shut your hole and go sit your butt down on the couch." she sassed. Everyone raised eyebrows including Jade. "Yeah? Well that's too bad! Because your in MY house right now. And your intimidation, or whatever THAT was, needs to stop. You don't scare me. You wouldn't scare a mouse! Do you hear me, miniature Dora! So why don't you get your purple backpack and your little blue monkey and FLY AWAY, OK!!" she said and marched her out of the apartment.

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